Thursday, 30 April 2009

Day 120

I have to admit I have no idea what this is. I took my camera out for a stroll at lunchtime. I had it over my shoulder so it was to the side of my body and pressed the button at random.

I really loved the movement in this picture and the obvious abstract quality.It's completely out of focus and you can't tell what it is but I don't care.


Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Day 119

Sneaky, surreptitious photography continued today - this time at work. The nice thing about this shot is that everyone thought I was taking a photo of something outside and didn't realise that I was snapping their reflections. I love how the ghostly images, draw your eye in as you try and discern what's happening in the glass.


Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Day 118

Today I hung out in Spitalfields with Britswitch. We met up, had a coffee and a chat and I spent the morning taking photos. Over lunch we looked at what I'd taken. Lots of architecture and reflections with some flowers thrown in for good measure. As we went through them, Brits started to question what I was doing. She made a very interesting observation. This blog started as a challenge both as a commitment and as a creative outlet. I think I've proven I can stick it out but as she pointed out, my photos have been less than challenging. Over the last few weeks I've been taking shots because I "have to take something" but I admit that there has been less thought or creative input. It's become habit. Brits quite rightly pointed out that I had to leave my comfort zone. "You never take action shots or people" she said. My reasons for not taking people pictures are numerous and mainly relate to the fact that I don't like pictures being taken of me. However that's no excuse. Fortunately Brits has done a photography course so she gave me a few tips on taking surreptitious shots. The rest of the afternoon was spent doing just that. Over afternoon tea, I realised that today I have fallen in love with my project all over again.

I struggled with which shots to use - there was one that I absolutely loved but this one won for a very good reason. This blog was intended to say something about me, my art, my life. Today I was in Spitalfields and this group of tourists seemed to stalk us. Wherever we were, they were.

I'm hoping to join Flickr soon so when I do, I'll post the others and hopefully you'll understand the dilemma. It's been a really productive day and I feel reinvigorated. With a bit of luck, this blog may improve. I have to remember that it's not about how "perfect" the picture is, but capturing those moments as genuinely as I can.


Monday, 27 April 2009

Day 117

The spoils of war - we won the pub quiz

Also why I shouldn't take my photo after I've hung out with my boys.


Sunday, 26 April 2009

Day 116

My lovely friend Bre rang me today and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. I grabbed my camera and we went to nearby Marlow. The sun was out and it was glorious by the river. There were plenty of photo opportunities and Bre was no help, suggesting more and more. It caused me a little dilemma when it came to deciding which one to post but eventually this one won.

I like the reflection in the water both from the tower and from the sun. And the sky is a perfect almost cloudless blue.

It was lovely just to stroll along with the sun on our backs and an ice-cream in our hands.


Saturday, 25 April 2009

Day 115

Some time ago I made a couple of baby blankets. One was for a friend and one was a request. (I guess I could call it a commission!). Anyway, talking to some friends the other week, I've decided to make some more. One will be for a girl at work who is with child but I wanted to make a couple of others and see if they will sell. (If not I have ready made Christmas presents - yes I'm that anal). Mummy G and I had enormous fun the other Monday thinking of ideas for blankets with different themes. My imagination went a bit wild. Flowers of green fleece, butterflies on blue. that kind of thing. Anyway this was a practice for another theme. Ladybirds on black fleece. I really like it but I', not sure if it'd be too depressing for a baby blanket. Any constructive criticism would be gratefully received.


Friday, 24 April 2009

Day 114

This post was a bit of a dilemma. As a finale to my days of celebration, my friend Bre and I went out for our usual Friday night dinner. On our way, I saw a nice frame that on any other day would have been my photo for the day. However, when we arrived at the restaurant and were seated, my favourite waitresses came and chatted with us. I told them my exciting news and 10 minutes later, G came back with 2 glasses of champagne. I was embarrassed and completely lost for words. I was so touched by such a thoughtful gesture. This had to be my photo tonight.

It's funny how these things work!


Thursday, 23 April 2009

Day 113

More sewing today. This is sort of college work. Similar to the other day but instead of bandage, I used ribbon. Not convinced I like this so much as the other one - something about the shiny material that is a bit off putting - however it's all about experiment isn't it.

It was lovely sewing this at work in my lunch hour. I suddenly realised that in a few months I'll be doing this all day. For 3 years!!!!!!


Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Day 112

Another day,another alcoholic beverage!

I've been celebrating. 3 weeks ago I had a University interview. Today I found out I have a place. I'll keep this short - I've been out with my lovely drinking boys!


Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Day 111

Today was a college day. I had fun indulging in some free sewing which became a ruffle. This shows you s bit more. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it but it's been fun.


Monday, 20 April 2009

Day 110

Moore blossom I'm afraid! I couldn't resist when I walked to Mummy G's this evening. The sun was streaming through the petals and made everything warm and fresh at the same time.

Blossom has been on my mind alot just recently. I've got some plans for sewing bubbling away in the back of my mind. At the moment I can't do much about it but when I do, you'll be the first to know.


Sunday, 19 April 2009

Day 109

This morning was a glorious sunny day. As I strolled into town, I walked down the path that runs along side where I live. I've used this path hundreds of times but today I happened to notice the top of the fencing. I was struck by the way the top of each post was splayed in this way making for an interesting pattern. I took other shots of leaves and the sun coming through them, rust patterns and all sorts, but this was the one I kept coming back to.


Saturday, 18 April 2009

Day 108

Today I was in London and, whilst I was sat in Covent Garden, enjoying the sunshine and a glass of wine, I spotted this window in the bank opposite. It was just begging to be photographed. I'm sure I can use it in a textile fashion some way. Not sure how yet but I'm sure I'll find a way!


Friday, 17 April 2009

Day 107

This has to be a super fast post tonight - I'm going to a colleague's leaving do and we're all heading for a cheeky drink before hand.

Anyway, today has been dull with no real chances for photographs, so I took a picture of my socks. I never wear matching socks and haven't for the last 7 or 8 years. (A very boring story involving an ex boyfriend). My socks still cause amusement at work. I have no idea why. These were under trousers today so perhaps not so bad.

Be warned - I may use this idea again on "slow" days. Sorry


Thursday, 16 April 2009

Day 106

I really love the wonderfully veiny texture of the leaf against the tight-bud blossom.


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Day 105

It was getting really late and I realised that I still hadn't taken a picture. I'm not really doing anything exciting this evening. I started a new book last night and just can't put it down so all I want to do is curl up and read for a few hours. Not really something you can photograph. Anyway, fortunately my trusty tree just outside my building was willing to be today's subject. As you know I am a bit obsessed with this tree and as I snapped away, I did think about how I can translate this into stitch and fabric.

So PHEW! picture taken! I'm off to continue with my fabby book.


Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Day 104

Everyone else has posted pictures of blossom and I was starting to feel left out.

Actually that's not quite true. This is a tree that stands just outside my dept. It has this wonderful, dense blossom which D and I were admiring this morning. Unfortunately I left it until we had a quiet few minutes at work so that I could duck out without feeling like I was taking the mick, by which time the glorious, bright sunshine had hidden behind a cloud. Never the less I'm quite happy with the picture. It's given me some ideas for some sewing too. It may have to wait a little, but some seeds of inspiration were definitely planted.


Monday, 13 April 2009

Day 103

Today I spent the day tidying. Not the boring type with copious amounts of polish and elbow grease. This was the fun type. I was going through my box of material and scraps to work out what I have and what future projects I may try. As I was tidying, I came across these pieces of fabric I bought in Chester back in February and put somewhere safe (i.e. I forgot about them). I have no idea what I may do with them yet but I'm sure something will come to me.


Sunday, 12 April 2009

Day 102

A really quick post tonight. I'm tired and not feeling well so I want to get this done and then get to bed.

Anyway today is the last day of M's words and it was "Pleasure" - how well she knows me!.

I got off the train from London this evening feeling decidedly under the weather so decided to pop to my local for a pint and a hot supper. Throw in a bock and I'm in heaven.


Saturday, 11 April 2009

Day 101

Today my word was "Duck". The fact that I was in the capital and it was peeing with rain did cause me some concern. I'm spending the weekend with Britswitch which means we wandered around alot and then went to our favourite restaurant for dim sum. After we'd finished our very nice meal (and even nicer cocktails), I was bemoaning my word. "How can I take pictures of ducks?" Brits pointed to the menu. It had duck dim sum. Perfect.


(My blog - my rules)


Friday, 10 April 2009

Day 100

OH MY GOD!!! I can't believe that I made it to this milestone.

Today's Word a Day was suspended because I wanted to do something to mark the hundredth post. I had 100 pennies and made a 10 x 10 grid of them which I photographed. Then I played with some angles and came up with this. Does it matter that not every penny is there? Not really. I know it was and sometimes that's what matters.

I started this blog as a way of gaining some discipline within my practice. Some days have been better than others and some have been a little tardy(!) but to have got here is better than I ever dared hope for.

Congratulations to all my lovely photo blog friends as they make they're hundredth posts.


Day 99

A late post I'm afraid. We had the day from Hell yesterday at work so B and I went out straight from there. I got home at 2am.

Anyway. To business. Yesterday's word was "Car". This was taken after dinner last night. I played with the flash a bit but I don't like it so much. I find that it makes for a flatter picture. However it needed some light so, remembering a previous trick, B held a light from my mobile. Giving enough light to illuminate but without over powering. I'm really pleased with the outcome.


Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Day 98

The word for today is "sky". I went for a lovely long walk after work thinking that I'd take a picture of the sunset. It's been a gorgeous bright, warm day today which normally makes for stunning display. And it was. However, as I was walking up the hill towards home, I turned and saw the moon. She looked so beautiful tonight that I had to use this instead.


Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Day 97

Today's word is "glasses". 1 pair belongs to me, 1 is M's and another belongs to a colleague we mugged for the purposes of art. I really like the lines and reflections within it and the cord from M's glasses.


Monday, 6 April 2009

Day 96

Today sees the start of a new week and another Word a Day. This week it's being supplied by M, who I work with.

She finds my blog fascinating. Although she hasn't actually seen the cyber version, she's often witnessed me taking photos in the dept and was thrilled when I asked her if she'd supply me with my words this week.

Anyway, her word today was "boxes". We have plenty at work so when everyone left this evening, I unleashed my camera. This is what I came up with. The "bokeh" in the foreground is quite deliberate. I took the view that I have this gift, I may as well work it!


Sunday, 5 April 2009

Day 95

I went for a stroll this afternoon - I had to get dressed at some point. I walked past the local University that is undergoing some new building work. Being a sucker for a building site, I had to take some shots. This is one of the most interesting. Lots of poles with criss-cross patterns.


Saturday, 4 April 2009

Day 94

Ok this may not look like an exciting photo but it was either this or my over-flowing laundry basket. (My life is so rock 'n' roll1).

Actually this is a shot of my supper. It was fabulous. Cajun salmon, wilted spinach with cous-cous and a glass of white. What more could a girl want? A piece of Tarte au Citron that was dessert! Cajun salmon is my favourite thing to cook and I've often impressed friends with this. Normally after the first couple of mouthfuls it's met with the exclamation "Why are you single Hots when you cook like this?" Because I have very high standards.


Day 93

I took this during my tea break I love the dodgy focus on it. Odd but true.


Thursday, 2 April 2009

Day 92

I thought I'd share some of my sewing with you today. I wasn't very well today so had a day off work. This afternoon I was feeling a bit brighter so sat in bed with buckets of tea and watched trashy DVDs whilst working on this. It's an on/off piece I've been working on for a while and is based on stars in the sky. I'm not sure what it'll be when it's grown up - probably a wall hanging of some sort - but progress is very very slow so I doubt it's a problem I'll have to concern myself with for a while yet.


Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Day 91

Not exciting and not inspired but my colllograph from a previous college thing.
